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First-cycle - summer semester

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Treść (rozbudowana)
(F) Physics (for: ABIOM)

Lecture materials (author: M. Kozanecki):

Physics lecture set (will be updated in the end of semester)

Supporting materials:

Problems for exam


PART I (kinematics and dynamics)
1. KINEMATICS: movement in one dimension (answers -> here)
2. KINEMATICS: movement in two dimensions (answers -> here)
3. DYNAMICS: general problems, inertial force (answers -> here)
4. DYNAMICS: frictional force. Work, power, energy (answers -> here)
5. COLLISIONS: conservation of energy and momentum (answers -> here)
6. RIGID BODIES (answers -> here)
7. SIMPLE MACHINES (answers -> here)

PART II (electric and magnetic fields)
9. ELECTROSTATICS: The principle of fields superposition (answers -> here)
10. ELECTROSTATICS: Work in the electrostatic field and the Gauss’ law (answers -> here)
11. MAGNETIC FIELD: Ampere’s circuital law (answers -> here)
12. MAGNETIC FIELD: The Biot-Savart Law (superposition principle) (answers -> here)
13. Charge movement in electric and magnetic field (answers -> here)


F-02. Rotational motion dynamics of rigid body. Determination of the moment of inertia.
F-07. Determination of the horizontal component of earth’s magnetic field using tangent galvanometer.
F-10. Conductivity of solids. Determination of the temperature dependence of the resistance of metallic conductor and semiconductor.
F-11. Capacitance measurements of capacitors and determining the dielectric permeability of the vacuum. Resistivity measurements.
F-12. Measurement of the wavelength dependence of the extinction/ transmittance of isotropic media.
F-15. Refraction index of monochromatic light for mixtures of liquids. Determination of the concentration of aqueous solutions of glycerin.
F-17. Elaboration of results by statistical methods. Calculations of errors.
F-20. Determination of refractive index using an optical microscope.
F-23. Determination of gravity acceleration by means of a differential pendulum.

(IT2) Information Technologies II (for: ABIOM)