You can read about current and completed international projects, realized in our department, in the section Cooperation.
Our Department actively participated in design of the unique simulation device ARUZ – Analyzer of Real Complex Systems
- read ARUZ history (in polish).
Publication containing details of device construction: R. Kiełbik, K. Hałagan, W. Zatorski, J. Jung, J. Ulański, A. Napieralski, K. Rudnicki, P. Amrozik, G. Jabłoński, D. Stożek, P. Polanowski, Z. Mudza, J. Kupis, P. Panek; „ARUZ – Large-scale, Massively Parallel FPGA-based Analyzer of Real Complex Systems”; Computer Physics Communications 232, 22 – 34 (2018).
National research projects being realized in our Department:
+ Organic semiconductors in stretchable electronics (Prof. Wojciech Pisula, NCN Opus)
+ Study on the structure related dielectric properties and molecular dynamics of poly(dimethylsiloxane) crosslinked by metal-ligand coordination (MSc Angelika Wrzesinska, NCN Preludium)
+ New Bottle-Brush copolymers and osteoarthritis (Prof. Krzysztof Matyjaszewski, Prof. Marcin Kozanecki, NCN Opus)
+ The Role of Diffusion in Synthesis and Physico-Chemical Properties of Polymer Hydrogels – Simulations and Experiments (Prof. Marcin Kozanecki, NCN Opus)
Examples of realized national research projects in our Department:
+ Graphene-transition metal oxide hybride structure: synthesis and application as anode and cathode in organic light emitting diodes (Prof. Zbigniew Klusek, NCN Opus)
+ Computer modeling of phenomena in macromelcular systems using Analyzer of Real Complex Systems (Prof. Andrzej Sikorski, NCN Opus)
+ Water structure and dynamics in selected systems (ionic liquids, dispersions of metal nanoparticles) (MSc Paulina Filipczak, NCN Preludium)
+ Charge carrier transport mechanism in electroluminescent charge-transfer complex materials (PhD Marian Chapran, NCN Preludium)
+ Volume Phase Transition in poly(oligo(ethylene glycol)methyl ether methacrylate) hydrogels – relationship with structural and factors (MSc Krzysztof Piechocki, NCN Preludium)
+ Role of self-assembly and microstructure on the electronic behavior under bending strain of conjugated semiconducting systems in film films (Prof. Wojciech Pisula, NCN Sonata Bis)
+ Nanomaterials with precisely tailored architecture – design, synthesis, properties (Prof. Krzysztof Matyjaszewski, Prof. Jacek Ulanski, NCN Maestro)
+ Development of printing trchnology for organic light-emitting diodes (Prof. Jacek Ulanski, NCBiR Tango). Project co-financed by the The National Centre for Research and Development as part of the TANGO 2 Joint Undertaking.