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The department closely cooperates with:



KFM participates in international research projects:

» ECNP – European Center of Nanostructured Polymers

» NAWA CHINA – New polymer Vis-NIR photodetectors – synthesis of new semiconductors and optimization of device parameters (leader prof. Beata Luszczynska)

» "Co-financed international projects": Implementation of an international co-financed project No. W15/H2020/2023 entitled: Application of charge transfer systems (acronym: OCTA) implemented under the international program Horizon 2020

» "Premia na Horyzoncie 2": Financial support (contract no.: 580105/PnH2/2023) for the implementation of an international project entitled: Application of charge transfer systems (acronym: OCTA) implemented under the international program Horizon 2020. Co-financing: PLN 103 066.00; Total value: PLN 103 066.00

» PrintedQDD – New structuring methods for printing of QD-LEDs for signage application; w ramach: POLAND – BERLIN-BRANDENBURG (5th Call) (Photonics, microelectronics and quantum technologies as key enabling technologies for the digital transformation, energy transition, smart mobility and life sciences); partnerzy: Fraunhofer-Institute for Applied Polymer Research, Potsdam (Germany), Lodz University of Technology (Poland) leader B. Luszczynska, QWERTY Ltd., Lodz (Poland), Allresist GmbH, Strausberg (Germany)

» CaPreCon – Cartilage Protection and Regeneration Consortium; in frame of: EURONANOMED III (JOINT TRANSNATIONAL CALL FOR PROPOSALS (JTC2020) FOR “EUROPEAN INNOVATIVE RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS IN NANOMEDICINE”); partners: UNIVERSITÉ DE MONTRÉAL (Canada), UNIVERSITY OF CAEN NORMANDIE (France), Lodz University of Technology (Poland) leader J. Ulanski, LfC Ltd. (Poland)

Formal and informal cooperation with interantional partners:

Kyiv National Shevchenko University (radiationally induced modification of composite polymeric materials containing carbon nanotubes for application in nanotechnology)
Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry NAS of Ukraine (polymer research)
“Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Romania (polymer research)
Institute of Molecular Physics, Okazaki, Japan (organic materials research)
University of Potsdam, Germany (organic materials for electronics research)
Universite Claude Bernard Lyon, France (organic materials for electronics and polymer research)
School of Electronics and Computer Science, Southhampton University, Great Britain (organic materials for electronics research)
Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of The Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic (organic materials for electronics research)
Max Planck Insitute, Mainz, Germany (polymer research)
Departament of Chemistry, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA (polymer research)

Completed international projects in which we have participated:

- 5FP EU – Integrated Project "DISCEL - Self-assembling and self-healing electronic devices based on mesomorphic discotic materials" (2001 – 2004)
- 6FP EU - Integrated Project (contract No. NMP4-CT-2004-500355) „Nanoscale Integrated Processing of Self Organizing Multifunctional Organic Materials" "NAIMO" (2004-2008)
- 6FP EU - Network of Excellence (contract No. NMP3-CT-2004-500361) “NANOFUN-POLY - Nanostructured and Functional Polymer Based Materials and Nanocomposites" (2004-2008)
- 6FP EU - TOK-DEV (contract No. MTKD-CT-2005-029670) "DIELPOL - Dielectric spectroscopy and complementary techniques for molecular dynamic study of polymers and organic crystals” (2006-2009)
- 6FP EU - Marie Curie Host Fellowships for the Transfer of Knowledge (ToK)
- European Cooperation in Science and Technology COST
- Complementary Actions Programme CAP
- Research project in frame of 7th European Frame Programme - POLYNET
- Research project in frame of 7th European Frame Programme - FLEXNET - click here, to see project summary short movie
- ECNP-GROWTH- Consolidation of the European Centre for Nanostructured Polymers
- Excilight - Donor-Acceptor light emitting exciplexes as materials for easily to tailor ultraefficient OLED lighting
- NAWA Polonium - Mono- and polynuclear quinoidal complexes for application in VIS-NIR photodetectors (leader prof. Jacek Ulanski)