Cartilage protection and regeneration consortium – CaPReCon

Aim of the project: Development of a method of treating articular cartilage by targeted injection of a hydrogel that improves lubricating properties and is a carrier of anti-inflammatory drugs and accelerates the regeneration of cartilage tissue.
Planned project results: Development of a method of targeted drug administration based on a probe indicating damaged areas of the joint surface. Production of a hydrogel, injected directly into the joint, combining protective functions by improving lubricating properties, adhesion to damaged cartilage areas covered and a carrier of anti-inflammatory and regenerative drugs. Development of a modern therapeutic approach focused on modifying the phenotype of inflamed chondrocytes and rebuilding the intercellular matrix in cartilages.
Description: The project deals with issues in the field of molecular biology, biomedical / chemical engineering, physics and clinical research, and its goal is to develop a method of treating joints affected by osteoarthritis (Latin: osteoarthritis, OA). Osteoarthritis is projected to be the fourth leading cause of disability worldwide by 2020. Existing OA treatments have many disadvantages (e.g. limited efficacy due to short therapeutic half-life and rapid lymphatic drainage) and negative effects (inflammation and matrix degradation caused by acidic breakdown of medicinal products). There is an undeniable and urgent need to develop more efficient drug delivery platforms and to test new therapeutic approaches. The project is based on a unique platform that uses hybrid hydrogels with lubricating properties and high bioadhesion, which will allow multiple drugs to be dosed into the joint cavity in a single injection to stimulate cartilage regeneration while stopping mechanical abrasion and inflammation.
The research program includes the development of:
1) a spectroscopically guided tool for locally dispensing hydrogels into the pond;
2) hybrid hydrogels for long-term delivery of biological and synthetic active compounds to joints;
3) an innovative therapeutic approach focused on changes in the phenotype of chondrocytes and restoring the production and quality of the extracellular matrix.
The project's results will provide an opportunity to develop new diagnostic/drug administration technologies to quickly test novel drug combinations and provide innovative treatments based on phenotypic changes. The modularity of the proposed platform will significantly accelerate pre-clinical validation and may become the first integrated solution for the prevention and treatment of osteoarthritis.
Beneficjary: International consortium; LfC Ltd. – industrial partner
Project value: 889 426,05 PLN
Period: 01.04.2021 – 31.03.2024

Project co-financed/financed by the National Center for Research and Development as part of the 4th competition of the EuroNanoMed III program